Realme laptop has been teased to launch in India by the company CEO Madhav Sheth on Twitter. In a style that reminds us of how Steve Jobs unveiled the first-generation MacBook Air back in 2008, Sheth has posted an image that appears to offer a glimpse of the first Realme laptop from a paper bag. The Chinese company seems to be working on its laptops for some time. The new venture could once again bring Realme up against Xiaomi that is offering its laptops under the Mi and Redmi brands.
India and Europe CEO Madhav Sheth has posted a cryptic teaser through his Twitter account that includes an image giving us a sneak peek of Realme's first laptop. The device appears to have a finish similar to that of Apple's MacBook. It is, however, unclear whether the laptop has a unibody aluminium chassis or a plastic build.
Although Sheth has not explicitly confirmed that the image is associated with the upcoming Realme laptop, he suggested the launch plans by using a binary code in his tweet that translates to “Hello World!” — the phrase that depicts a popular introduction in the computer programming world. He also asked his followers to guess the name of the new product. All of these indicate that the company is planning something new that could be none other than a laptop.
01001000B 01100101B 01101100B 01101100B 01101111B 00100000B 01010111B 01101111B 01110010B 01101100B 01100100B 00100001B 00000000B#realme new product category has a message for you!
— Madhav Max 5G (@MadhavSheth1) June 9, 2021
Can you decode it & guess the product name that will add up to your #TechLife?
Last month, Realme suggested its plans for launching laptops by conducting a survey on its forums. “We have been seeing tons of requests for Laptop, and we want to better understand your needs,” the company had said in the survey.
Tipster Mukul Sharma in January also claimed that Realme laptops could become a reality as early as June.
In addition to its laptop launch, Realme is currently busy preparing the launch of Realme GT in the global markets including India. The flagship smartphone with a Qualcomm Snapdragon 888 SoC debuted in China in March.
The COVID-19 pandemic has helped the laptops market receive significant growth as people are working and studying from their homes. Traditional players including Asus, Dell, HP, and Lenovo saw a massive increase in their laptop shipments in the last few quarters. However, new entrants like Realme may give them a tough fight over time.
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Realme Laptop India Launch Teased, May Come With MacBook-Like Finish - Gadgets 360
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