In its latest report, WhatsApp said that its abuse detection operates at three stages of an account’s lifestyle – at registration, during messaging, and in response to negative feedback. The latter comes in the form of user reports and blocks. WhatsApp has a team of analysts that inspect these three stages to help improve effectiveness over time.
Of course, banned accounts have the right to make an appeal but WhatsApp rarely overturns them. Out of 303 appeals in the month of May only 23 accounts were restored, according to the latest report.
“Over the years, we have consistently invested in Artificial Intelligence and other state-of-the-art technology, data scientists and experts, and in processes, in order to keep our users safe on our platform. In accordance with the IT Rules 2021, we’ve published our report for the month of May 2022. This user-safety report contains details of the user complaints received and the corresponding action was taken by WhatsApp, as well as WhatsApp’s own preventive actions to combat abuse on our platform,” said a WhatsApp spokesperson.
WhatsApp banned over 1.9 million Indian accounts in May 2022, here’s why - 91mobiles
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